Thursday, July 10, 2014

Why Women Love A- Holes, Sepiosexuals, and Sherlock Holmes

All the single guys ask the same question:
 Why do girls seem to find the dirt bag attractive? 
 I am going to answer the question. One. More. Time.
Women care less about looks than boys believe. I mean, everyone cares about looks to a certain degree. If you roll over in the morning, take one look at the person beside you,  and say, "Dang..Not before coffee..." It's not likely going to work..With that being said, I have come to realize that no matter how homely you are, someone out there will find you attractive. I've seen the couples..and the phenomenon that they almost always have extraordinarily beautiful children makes me believe in some sort of cosmic me on this...but I digress...
Women are drawn to a-holes for one reason:
 Women like the idea that they are special. I guarantee that she likes him because he is a dill hole to everyone EXCEPT her. This makes her unique. He built a pedestal to put her on and craps on everyone else......and love is it takes a while for her to smell the poop. I've been there...
Now... the one caveat to this theory is that you should not  confuse arrogance with guys who are just phlegm wads.
I, for one, love sassy, arrogant, witty, smart mouthed males... If they wear glasses...all the better... there is a name for this. It's called a sepiosexual. It is someone who is turned on by intelligence. It used to really freak people out, too. My friends would go with me to attend some astronomy seminar or something, and by the end, I'm like, "That guy really had something, didn't he?" and my friends are all, "Yeah... a disease...He was a 70 year old man with leprosy."  Okay... It's not THAT bad. However, I do prefer Intro to Physics over 50 Shades of Grey. 
Right now, my  heart thumps most loudly (besides my husband... nobody panic...I'm talking fiction here)...for one Mr. Sherlock Holmes... Benedict Cumberbatch does a magnificent job of portraying the infamous detective in the most delicious way. His mad female fans are called "cumber-cookies" because together they make a cumber-batch...I find him interesting looking...which is better than attractive...and the way Sherlock's mind works is just entrancing... It's how the cumber-cookie crumbles, I guess.... On a side note, having Sherlock as a fandom is hard... There are about two years between seasons and three episodes a I'm all:
But I will leave you with the trifecta of awesome arrogance.. How I love these guys....
Have a great one!

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