Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Dark Side of the Moo...

If we are what we eat, then I'm thinking that being a cow isn't near the top of my list. No, I'm not turning Hindu, I'm avoiding conventional beef.. When we think about our hamburger, we imagine a happy cow frolicking through the grass, making happy cheese from California. Commercials give us such a false sense of the road trip our food makes to reach us."Where's the beef?" might just need to make a comeback because even the taste is completely different. The truth is, unless you are buying 100% organic, 100% grass fed beef, you are about to be sick from what I'm going to say.

Conventional cows don't ever have to see sunlight. They get stuck in a feedlot (It's like a big barn) stuffed like sardines... they are fed an unnatural diet of genetically modified corn and cottonseeds mixed into their food.It makes them fat. More meat=more money. Cows weren't meant to eat that, so it messes up their stomach. The solution? They have a port (a hole with a lid) in their stomach so that farmers (If you can call them that) can dip out the ick that builds up from eating the food they were never meant to eat...because it is cheaper than buying organic feed. The GMOs are causing these cows' cancer and tumors, but it's okay....because they can serve it to you anyway according to the FDA.. Then they get shoved into machines that do a bad job of removing bone and fat and skin...but that's alright because the machine just grinds it up anyway... and then the package gets pumped full of a special gas to keep it pink and it's ready for you! Now you may be eating 30 cows in the same package of hamburger meat, because it all got mixed together...but that's fine because ...since cloning is legal... you are probably eating different versions of genetically identical cows, anyway... (I'm not sure what you know about genetics, but inbreeding is a bad idea because the offspring become...let's just call them special..)

I tell you all of this because too many people do not know where our food comes from. Those same people chide and ridicule the 'ridiculous prices of organic food'... I used to be one of them. Did you know that half of all kindergarten students don't know that chicken nuggets come from chickens? Maybe that's why kids think money grows on trees... This is more of a PSA than a funny look at the world... I'm just udderly tired of hearing people say 'Idon't care.' You should. We all should. If you love yourself, your friends, your family...you should care. I never want my kids to be sick. It is worth the extra money to buy organic food and natural products. Could they get cancer anyway? Sure...but I won't be shoveling carcinogens down their throat voluntarily. You should hear how I feel bout chicken....Wow! This is an angry post... I'm sorry if you wanted happy Angie. I'll bring her around later today...promise.

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