Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Letter to my Children

My son is 10 and my daughter is almost 7.... There are SO many things I want them to know, and so much I know they will have to learn on their own.... I decided to go ahead and share some of the things I need to make sure that my children hear from here it is...

To my children who I love more than air, 
          - First, know that nerds are awesome. Never let anyone tell you that being smart is bad. In this world, someone can take everything from you except what you keep in your mind..... faith, brains, and will power. People are afraid of intelligence because smart people have the power to change things....and people don't like change. 
-Faith is worth having. If you do what God asks, and it turns out to not be necessary, you lose nothing. However, if you don't obey....and God is very real... then you could lose everything. I believe that God is provable, but you will have to make your own decisions....just realize that God is the safe bet.
-Love is blind and hind sight is 20/20. You will think you are in love many times. It will seem so least... in the moment. Respect the fact that as you grow, the definition of love will change...and REAL love...if it is... will wait until after high school. 
- You are allowed to like what you want, even if others are too scared to have their own identity. Deep down, those that ridicule you for being unique are actually either jealous of your bravery or will live their life unable to paint the sky yellow...even though sunsets are yellow....
-Never think you are better than anyone...Karma has a way of letting you try on their shoes for a while...eventually...
-Sex rocks....when you wait for that special person...mutually committed...and are ready for the multitude of possible scenarios which could play out as a repercussion. Before that, it is just too risky and will undoubtedly end in heartbreak for one or both of you. 
-Don't grow up too fast....or ever... never stop having fun, laughing, or being silly...This life is too hard to try and muddle through without cherishing the good times. 
- The world is bigger than your problems. There will be times when it feels like the world closes in on you and you just can't breathe. It will seem like there is no way out. Look up at the sky during those times, take a deep breath, and realize how big the world is compared to your problems. Remember that the only thing of permanence in this world is change. So whatever hurt...or pressure...or evil you are facing...It won't last forever...and you are strong... You'll be okay.
- The most beautiful thing you can be in this world is nice. Kindness is the one language everyone understands... 
-Never stop asking questions. Knowledge is power, and questions lead to innovation. A sense of wonder keeps your mind young and the weeds off of your imagination. 
-Finally, understand that this life holds the potential to be or do anything you desire...but nothing comes without hard work and persistence. You owe it to yourself to give everything your best shot. 

I hope to live until my children's children have children of their own. Sometimes, though, fate has other plans. I'm somewhat satisfied that this note is heading out into the void....and...should something happen to me... my children can possibly absorb this note as my words to them... If my plans succeed, and I live to see many more decades...I hope that this letter helps to articulate hopes for the future generations... 
I often tell people that I haven't a prayer of raising children perfectly... I am, instead, trying to raise people that I'd like to know..and someday..when they are grown....I hope we can be friends...and maybe that's enough.

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