Monday, July 21, 2014

The Golden Ruler

Everyone says, "All people are beautiful..." when referencing some ideal theory about the human existence, but, physically, it isn't possible that all people are beautiful. Beauty is a standard by which to measure attraction. Now, it is subjective to a degree.... for example, I have a friend who hates big noses... She could be the most shockingly beautiful lady ...but if she has a large nose... he will not find her attractive... We all have a thing... Mine is mousy guys... If you have a skinny face with a pointy nose and thin lips, you probably won't do it for me. Guys I don't find attractive that others seem to include Tom Hiddleston and Orlando Bloom... Not my cup of tea....The only two mousy guys in history to jump that hurdle for me are David Tennant--he is MY doctor(warning: This is a Doctor Who reference...If you don't understand what I mean, please visit the BBC immediately to remedy your situation) ....and Alan Alda from MASH...Ironically, also a doctor... (If you haven't seen MASH then your parents didn't raise you properly ...or you aren't American)....because Hawkeye's smartypants outweighed his mousiness...but I digress...
 Beauty can be measured. Called the "Golden ratio", a person's face is considered more beautiful if it is about 1.5 times longer than it is wide... it also has to do with how symmetrical your face is and the distance between your eyes, nose and mouth.... I found a calculator here:

Fair warning, though... The programmer wasn't nice when he made this calculator .... it points out your flaws faster than a consultation with a plastic surgeon....... and it's touchy... it needs to be exactly facing the camera...and you have to see your ears in the photo... but ...if you are curious...(I'm always curious...) My score was a 7.66 out of 10...Not too bad...It told me that I had great symmetry, but my nose is too big for my ears, and my mouth is too big for my nose.... (I must have a REALLY big mouth...Anyone who knows me isn't surprised!!!) 

I think that the most important thing to remember is that looks AREN'T everything. Being awesome really will get you farther than looks ever could. This isn't my finest post, but I wanted to share.... I may not be a perfect face... but I'm definitely a beautiful monkey....
Love to all! I'm out! Have a fantastical day!

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