Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Be sure to Eat Your Indian

Well, I was blessed this evening with house guests. My oldest friend allowed me to cook for her. I have been bragging about our recent adventures in traditional Indian cuisine, so I decided to make some for dinner. The meal went as follows:
"That smells amazing!" she said, as it was cooking in the pan...
10 minutes later, she took her first bite...
"Holy shnikeys, that's hot!" she said...and had some wine...
2 minutes after that: "I can't really breathe...Are my lips supposed to tingle?"and had more wine...
and 2 minutes following that:"Oh no! It is in my stomach.." "I just swallowed a bomb!" and then she had more wine....

The good news is that she has forgiven me... The bad news...according to that if she has to have artificial intestines because hers are now holier than Rome...I am buying... also...She might unforgive me later in the restroom...I told her to wipe with a snowcone...Here are some reasons why she should thank me:

1. Indian people are healthy. The spices that make Indian food hot (and delicious) have been proven to help prevent and cure cancer. Particularly turmeric, cayenne, ginger, fennel, saffron, and cinnamon. 

2. Culture is good! As Americans, we tend to be both spoiled and deprived of a world view of food. American food is manufactured bland..even the beef tastes very different when raised on feedlots compared to 100% grassfed cow. 

3. Everything's better with wine.  She had about half a bottle and declared that my food, while dangerous, was delicious...

I am an adventurous chef... I don't mind burning my face off, either... Maybe I should have started with a  korma...

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