Friday, July 4, 2014

Independence Day, That Old Time Rock-n-Roll, and the Fact That I'm Too Old to Party...

Tonight there will be fireworks lighting up the night sky... Showering multi-colored brilliance down on our still semi-free land... It will be a scene straight out of Fantasia.... For those with kids, it's the part where the magic is out of control, and the mops and brooms go insane and start killing people... "Don't point the sparkler at people.." "Stay back!" .."You've had enough watermelon; You'll pee all night long!" ..."Don't eat THAT watermelon...It's the 'special' watermelon!" "STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!" "It's dark out...Do you know where you're children are?"

I'm totally ready for this to happen : /

Top that with having a wonderful, albeit, very late night last night. The combining of old and new friends...and it WASN'T awkward... We played  RoCkBaNd!!! We fell into the nintendo wormhole and fell out of it about 4am. 4 o'clock in the morning! I can't tuck my children into bed at 10 without falling asleep...The only explanation: Time Vortex. I haven't done that in almost...a long time. However, with children, I cannot sleep in...I am awake...Mostly because, in our infinite wisdom, we forgot to put away the drums last night, and I was awakened by the sounds of the Ghostbusters' theme song being cranked to 11. It was a great song choice...

It has been proven that sleep has a deficit. You can accumulate lack of sleep.. Here is my theory. When I was a senior in high school, I worked 20 hours a week, did three plays at once, and had 6 classes a day. I also maintained a healthy social life between the hours of midnight (when I left dinner theater practice) and 6:30am ( when I began the carpool to pick up my friends for school). Needless to say, I believe that my sleep deprivation began here. Then I worked full time and went to college full time and sang in a very busy jazz group. More lack of sleep.. Then I got married, had kids...The amount of sleep you lose as a parent is calculable only with the machine they use to keep track of the national debt. I think our parents and grandparents fall asleep in their chairs some point... their bodies force them to make good on that debt. Body, "Okay... I'll loan you 10 years of half nights where you can stay awake....But if you don't pay me back, I'll take it out of your kneecaps and prime time television."

Circling back to last night...I'm exhausted. I have to wonder whether the loan shark of sleep will attempt to collect before fireworks... Maybe I'll get a nap... Maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt.... We'll see...

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