Thursday, July 17, 2014

Harry Potter and the....Thank Goodness It's Over....10th birthday

Okay... This was why I didn't blog for a few days..... My brain was at defcon 1. It's over now... a total success. I mean, we didn't get to play quidditch, and I didn't get to set up the portkey, but all things considered, everyone was happy! If anyone wants DIY on anything let me know....Here is how it went down:

The kids arrived. When everyone was there, the children were taken to Diagon Alley... It's not the best pic, but here's a pic....

Then they purchased their cauldrons at Potages...
Then they bought these very cute owls my sister- in-law made at the Owl Emporium
then the wands chose their wizard at Olivander's (with Olivander's son...My talented husband who put on a great show for each kid!)
There were lights and haze, so the pics all came out smoky, but it added to the room...
Then they went through the wall at platform 9 3/4 ...

into the great hall!

Then we did potions class....and we made an art project...and a mess...(always fun!)
Finally, the coup de gras..... the kids could take the rest of their gold and visit Honeyduke's sweet shop....
(Shout out to my bestie for helping to set this room up...((who says a theater degree is useless!?!) At least we throw a great party!!!)

All in all, it was a success! At least...I know Harry Potter was happy!

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