Thursday, November 6, 2014

Shut up, Barbie! You Are Ruining It For Everyone!

FemiNazis. I just. Can't. Even. When it was our right to vote? Sure! Equal pay? ..Okay...I'm with you....You don't need to be thin to be beautiful...Right on, sister....Burn our bras?...Wait..what?.. ...Umm...I need mine. God blessed me with boobs...It's basically a bra to run or black eyes..... Today, some women are simply trolling for a fight, and, Ladies, it might NOT be to your advantage. Let's look at some of the less than noble pursuits of the modern feminist.

1. Boys are meant to be seen, not heard...
So...There was this article the other day that showed this video of a beautiful woman walking down the streets of New York for, like, 10 hours... Secretly, she was filming males that approached her, made passes at her, or "catcalled" her. People said that what happened to her was degrading to women, rude, intrusive, etc. Here's the video:

There was maybe one or two creepy guys in the entire video, and it is my belief that they wouldn't have followed her if she would have answered him....Maybe he thought she was deaf?! I am not a submissive female. I am loud and opinionated. The femiNazis are wrong here. It should not be considered offensive to let a woman know she is attractive! It should not be offensive to let guys know they are attractive. Generally, that is what is called a C O M P L I M E N T! Attractive women and lesbians find it annoying. It's true...because attractive women hear it a lot and it gets old (unless he's "hot"), and lesbians just aren't interested. To be clear, I have no issues with lesbians...To be honest, they make more advances toward me than men. I am flattered, not offended. It is nice to be considered attractive by either gender....Not everyone is eloquent, though...
My point is this. STOP SCARING MEN OUT OF COMPLIMENTING WOMEN! If he slaps your backside, throat-punch the dill-hole. That was a rude thing to do, but, if he is telling her she is attractive, even by whistling, we should turn around and thank him for lifting female self esteem. For all the singles, the feminist movement is scaring off the big game. Most of us like to be flirted with...and, if he DOES step out of line, I can handle it...because I'm a female.

2. Hello, kitty!
I don't understand the obsession with announcing the female genitalia like it is a pride flag. I have v and you have a p.....I don't think anyone was confused about it after the age of 5. Still, it is thrust upon society and celebrated...not for what it can do (I'm thinking the miracle of birth here)...but as  weapon to wield like a gladiator...Transversely, men are practically punished for having testicles. "You have no baby rights, it's my body." You can side with the feminists on that until your son's girlfriend decides she wants to abort your grandkid, simply so she can fit into her size 6 jeans..... Have you heard of  "The Vagina Monologues"? It is a play...I know very little about it (I haven't seen it), so I cannot attest to whether or not this is actually a decent play. It stars all women, all discussing their junk. Why is it necessary to advertise?
Madonna came out several years ago with a book about hers....she tells everyone to take a mirror and look at theirs.....Really? To me, they look like the giant creature at the end of Starship Troopers.... It's all very unnecessary and ...sort of gross....

3. You can be anything!... As long as your husband does all the housework.
The CEO of planned parenthood once said,"stay-at-home mothers “reinforc[e] stereotypes that we’ve been working for decades to shatter.”  If you have any desire to be a SAHM, these ladies don't like you.

There are plenty of noble fights for women out there, breastfeeding in public being one they have mostly missed.
Let's find a way to channel our feminism without making a mockery of the fight for equality. Remember that equality does not mean exactly the same. With that, these ladies often forge a double standard. For example, We want to be treated the same on a jobsite...let's we cannot lift the same amount of weight as a man. Then we expect the boys to make allowances.We weren't built to do it. (I'm sure a percentage can; I, myself, am fairly stocky). We are women. We can do amazing things with our bodies that boys cannot. We are generally more flexible. We have breasts that make milk and we can carry a child, but we are not the same, and that IS okay.

So, femiNazis, calm down, please.... Sometimes, the bees are threatening to sting because someone kicked the hive.I'm a woman. I don't need YOU to fight my battles.

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