Friday, November 14, 2014

I Didn't Choose the Nerd Life...wait....YES I DID!

Last night I was genuinely flattered when a young...(like 17 year old young) ...guy half jokingly proposed marriage because I was wearing my most favorite marvel baseball tee in Kroger. How lovely! On top of revving my (usually droopy) ego, he was reinforcing my love for all things Geeky! I am a nerd. I have never backed away from it. I love comic books and Lord of the Rings. I love both Star Wars and Star Trek. I am a twilight reading, superwholock nerdfighter.....and proud! With well over 1000 movies, to say I love the silver screen is an understatement....The most purchased at once was at a yard sale, and I bought 65....
In addition to fandom flag waving, I sing, act, do improv comedy, and dabble in all things craft-worthy....
 Enter Pinterest....I am an artsy fartsy person. Anything I can make with my hands and/or any excuse to run my mouth, I'm there. As if I needed more things to do in my life, I have spent the last year transforming my house into a haven of nerd-dom....  So today will be short, but I wanted to share with you some of the Nerdvana I have made. These are all Angie originals....Just so you know...

 I hope you enjoy it....Maybe it will even inspire you to let out your inner geek.

It all started innocently enough....Props for children's parties.....

Then people asked me to DO things....
paint faces...

 Make things...
like these coasters with a box to keep them in....

So, naturally I decided to start gifting homemade goods!

 Suddenly, I was pretty obsessed with trying my hand at..well...everything....
I made a waterproof bag out of shopping bags...

I painted....a LOT!
I painted history stuff because Mike (my husband) Is a history grad student...

My daughter is obsessed with I did this...

I painted a pic of my husband's guitar....(I was running out of things to paint!)

I tried doing one of those "inspirational" pieces....I don't get it...

I got trapped into painting roses...and space....and roses IN space....


I even tried delving into unusual this one which is painted using concentrated teas...

and I taught myself to do spray paint art...
(p.s....I needed to sweep...I was cooking dinner...ewww)

 Finally...after much soul searching, it came to me. Life is short. Nerdy things make me happy....I should surround myself with them.... so I did this...

I made some shirts...
I made myself shoes...

In my latest endeavors, I am making bigger bolder choices toward the transformation of my home into a place to love....
My dining room table!

my son's closet...

In order to embarrass my bestie, Kelly....

 (She's the one in the middle!)

I tried my hand at the original song isn't mine....It is "The Nerdy Birthday Song" by The Doubleclicks....and Kel was too far away to harass in I did it via the internet. The song was not nerdy enough.... Therefore I made this horribly done video to wish her a most happy birthday...and I added a second verse....(Now to say I play the guitar is offensive to people who actually use a guitar to make music...but, in my defense, I learned the song an hour before this recording and wrote a second verse about 15 minutes after that.... )
It's too big to post to the blog (apparently), so here is the facebook link...

I'm a nerd....Here I am dressed as professor Trelawney....because I'm cool like that....

Sometime I'll show you my!

1 comment:

  1. I love your artwork and am proud to say that I have 3 items currently hanging in my living room (two of which were pictured in your blog!) Keep up the inspiration!!!
