Monday, November 3, 2014

Back on the Horse?! Just say neigh....or ...Happiness without a Prescription....

I took a sabbatical from the blog because my life has been CHAOS!!!  (Not that chaos is new, necessarily) However, I did miss jotting down my daily rants and raves. I am happy to report that several people sang me the sweet sound of the Jackson 5...." I want you back.." I'm happy to oblige.
I love my life...It isn't perfect. I'm not overly popular. I'm not wealthy or supermodel thin (or plus sized model thin, actually).
 I am constantly poked and prodded by my two children.
 I have a husband who works and is also a full time college student (so let's just say I see him...very little)
I'm not living in a drug induced hazy hallucination of happiness (zoloft doesn't live here...)
Alliterations aside,  I am just happy because I choose to be, and you can be, too. Here are the steps to get you there:

1. That Pharrell dude must be trippin'. There are so many feels to feel, why isn't it okay to feel ANYTHING but HAPPY?! We are the most unhappy society, despite having the most convenience. We search for "lidocaine" pharmaceuticals to numb our feelings...and yet... We gravitate toward books and movies that make us cry, play video games and watch movies so violent that we must rate them "not for children", and troll social media looking for fights!....There is a reason. Deep down, we need to experience an entire spectrum of emotion. Just because you get upset or angry doesn't mean that you aren't happy. Recognize that there are terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days....even for the extremely happy people of this world. The difference is those people who possess the keys to happiness, they leave their behind in the past....I mean...their past behind them....and each day is a new one.

2. Be a duck. This funny expression is one my husband uses on a regular basis. Ducks have a special oil on their feathers to keep them dry, even while swimming. When they get out, the water beads up and rolls off. This is a great analogy. In this society of increasing sensitivity, we need to "grow a tough skin". No one can offend you unless you allow yourself to become offended. No one can control your emotions except you. Certainly, it is easier to blame others, but not better.
I can already hear the comments...." I can't control how I feel!" Bollocks! No one else can control how you feel... You must accept responsibility for you and your

3. What would Elle Wood do?! The boisterous legalese blonde knew what she was talking about when she said:
Sometimes, the best thing you can do when life gets you down is force yourself back up again... The good news...if you do that the more miserable you are, the better you'll look in your clothes! 
4. Fake it until you make it. studies have proven that fake laughing or smiling will become real... It is contagious! So slap on your optimist hat and smile at the douchepill in the office... Your day will be better because of it....

5. Who are you trying to please? Something I constantly struggle with is society's view of stay at home moms. I must just be lazy because I don't work. I know in my head that this is not true. I work harder than I ever did at a job...and I got a lunch break... Still, occasionally I find myself caring what the world thinks of me, and how people on the outside view my life. I cannot do that. You should not do that, either. We cannot please everyone. We are doing well to please ourselves, our spouse, and God. Everyone else can piss off. It's my new philosophy...What do you think?! I'm considering making it a t-shirt...

So that's it....I hope someone out there is happy that I'm sending this to the void. I hope you can find happiness in the everyday bumpy roads, because if you are waiting on something doesn't exist. Life isn't going to someday 100% iron out to be awesome...You'll never have enough stuff, money,'ll never be fit enough, young enough, old enough.... It will never be the right time to have kids or get married...Waiting for those things will leave you staring at your life from the caboose as the train leaves the'll miss your chance at happy. Live now, and take control of your happiness.... Maya Angelou said it best:

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