Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Let's clear the smoke...

Last night, my father did an interview on KATV. He has cancer....and not a little bit. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer that was extremely aggressive. "we can get it all by removing your prostate." they said. They lied. Now, with cancer spreading like wildfire, there are no other courses of action that can cure him. At least, none that are legal.Still. We are fighters. We believe in "Raging against the dying of the light".. Life without passion is little more than existing.

Fast forward to now...... There is a cure out there. We have identified it. Our own government has done studies that prove that it works. Where is this magical item, you say?! Mostly sucking away your tax dollars by gathering dust in police lock up (or in the hands of drug dealers). I'm talking about Cannabis. You probably call it marijuana. Before you get too upset and stop reading, listen to the facts....
Here is a list of just some of the studies proving its medicinal worth:
The history of marijuana.
The oldest uses of cannabis date back to the very beginning. Etymologists have traced the word ALL the way back to the BIBLE! (What?!) There are 5 references to the plant in the Hebrew bible. One shows it is used by God for healing. It is a key ingredient in anointing oil. Believe it or not, the origin of the word "cannabis" comes from the Hebrew root "Qaneh Bosm" which literally translates to "sweet smelling cane." It is a main ingredient in the holy oil used to heal the sick and swear in the priests. (Exodus 30)

Cannabis was used throughout history as a medicine. Up until the early 1900's, cannabis oil was widely prescribed by doctors to cure everything from migraines to colicky babies. The 1850 census recorded 8,327 hemp plantations. (A plantation must be more than 2000 acres.) No one ever saw negative side effects of this! It was a widely grown crop and used to make everything... I MEAN EVERYTHING! It makes a paper, cleaners, wax, body care products, cloth, rope, concrete, caulk...(I could go on)... Henry Ford's first car was made almost entirely of hemp...and it ran on biofuel made from it!

Then why is it illegal and not just regulated?! Now THAT IS the question.
Cannabis was labeled a schedule 1 drug under the "Controlled Substances Act of 1970. What does that mean?! That would make it one of the most dangerous drugs available...on par with heroin. Do the numbers coincide with this idea?Nope!
No one in history has ever overdosed on pot. Not ever. You would have to consume so much in such a short amount of time, you would die of lack of oxygen trying to choke that much down at once.
Cannabis was used for thousands of years, until the early 1900s.  For a short but wonderful documentary, watch the face of Discovery Health, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and his life changing risk to his career....his documentary "Weed":

This is a shorter doc put together by someone who sites all their sources.
Marijuana cures cancer, among many other illnesses...

Worried about how recreational cannabis will affect society?! Don't be... In the states that have already legalized it, teen pot use is down to an all time low. DWIs are at an all time low. The economy is up. Traffic accidents are down. The media tried to say that one person died from marijuana. He was drunk and high and fell off a balcony. I don't think that counts....

I am very proud of my father, a preacher, for taking the controversial stand to legalize cannabis. This is his interview.
If you would like to donate to Fred Porter directly, here is the link:
Help us fight for the right to live.... Support the legalization of cannabis. Peace.

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