Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ooh! People Are Seeing Red!

With the election results from the midterms yesterday, the Democratic party is crying into their Wheaties bowl.
(Mostly I just love looking at this gif...sigh)
I think that it is less that people love Republican conservatism, and more because everyone is tired of the direction the current leadership has taken us. To say the least, this will be a very interesting two years in politics. Remember the ancient Chinese curse," May you live in interesting times." I'm not a Republican. I'm not a Democrat. I am, however, fairly pleased with the turning of the country's face toward a more conservative agenda.... and here is why:

1. Guns are back in fashion. After 6 years of gun control lobbying, no gun laws will make it through congress with a republican majority
Why is this a good thing??? When they asked Japan after WWII why they didn't attack mainland America, they referenced the fact that every household had a gun...and that was just too many soldiers......Let's keep other countries afraid of us!( at least keep them with a healthy respect) I'm for this plan! Leave it to the GOP to wave the NRA's flag directly below the nation's.

2. Support for the military. We have witnessed one of (or maybe THE) largest downsizing of American military in the history of this country....We keep pissing off other countries, so perhaps this downsizing thing is a bad idea. Republicans are known for backing our troops both financially and morally. This makes me happy.

3. The end of "making it rain" may be upon us. While I appreciate the current administration taking my tax dollars and confetti cannoning it out like it's an Oprah I don't like that... Republicans generally don't yeah...

4. Abortion is murder.
You don't have to agree with me. Don't start a fanfare of feminist ferality in the comments.
I believe that life starts at conception. Planned parenthood was started by a former kkk lady to downsize the African American population. We protect "fetus's rights" if it is an endangered animal.... We should protect children's rights from the moment they exist. Geography (in or out of a uterus) shouldn't be a factor.
"They can't live without the host or a machine" they said? Then I'll go unplug your grandma's dialysis.... According to you, she no longer has the right to live.... "But what about rape victims?" Many great people were born out of adversity.... If the mom can't handle it, There are thousands of couples (both gay and straight) desperate to adopt. "I can't handle it!" Toughen up, buttercup! Life's hard.

(Let me just climb down off this box now...I'm getting a nosebleed from this height.)

5. I'm tired of religion being a 4 letter word. Does anyone else notice that no one seems "anti-religion" as much as they seem "anti-Christianity"? The same people who verbally bash anyone who claims to be a Christian will fight tooth and nail to defend "the religion of peace..."
I'm not insulting Muslim people. I've known some very nice Muslims. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the people who slam religion. The same scientists and philosophers that Atheists use to "prove" that there is no God, negate each other's beliefs into supporting the evidence of His existence. I'm not going to detail this here. Still....If you are interested, the movie "God's Not Dead" (while somewhat rife with inaccuracy as to what the Bible says) does a wonderful job of examining the controversy of scientists like Dawkins and Hawking. Though I realize that many a narrow minded people come out of the "Christian" population, the same can be said of every religion (or non-religion). Republicans tend to support Christianity, and I think it's time we cut Christians a break.

6. The unaffordable, forced insurance thing. Government insurance works so well in other in Britain...where you, too, can wait 6 months to fix a cavity...
 The only way I can afford the Affordable Care Act is by dropping below the poverty line....AND....It killed my opportunity for private options because all the private insurance companies had to raise their prices to compensate for the extra crap they are now required to pay! Why do people vote for this stuff?!

Well....Let the Crapstorm commence....I'm done for today...Peace.