Friday, February 20, 2015

The nineties are back! My thighs would like to thank the academy....

JnCo jeans just announced that they are rereleasing the super wide leg jean!!! I think I just peed a little! Thanks to shows like Supernatural, (Take a moment to reflect)
 the 90s are hauling their alternative butts back into the fashion now! As someone who lived them already once around, I'd like to take this opportunity to share with you the trends we are likely to revisit in the next fews years, and why they are awesome!

1. The super flare leg jeans!

Kiss those skinny jeans goodbye! For those of you who lack the thigh gap, this is the best jean to wear. You can be both comfortable AND stylish. Also...and this is very important... It makes you look balanced. Unless you are a size two...but it's no longer your time, Twiggy!
Whether you rock the simple 23' super flare or the 40" rims.... I've been dreamin this day would come since...well...since it left.

2. Chunky shoes! I want these...

I can't walk in stilettos...I have tried valiantly, but I don't understand shoes that hurt after 5 minutes! 
Why would you do that? It's Edward Scissorfeet! Without feet, you don't have a leg to stand on! (hehe) I'm a tough broad. I don't need shoe weapons... The 1990s ushered out the stab you in your sleep shoes with a bold alternative. You want to be taller? make the whole sole taller! Platform mary janes and 2" airwalks rocked our feet.

I'm also crossing my fingers for birkenstocks because those hippie sandals feel like love.

3. Butterfly clips all in a row! 
The 90s captivated some funky cute hairstyles and made it okay to be cute! Admit it. You like the hair...

4. Panels of flannel....
Nothing is more comfy than something warm and fuzzy, and the 1990s were all about being comfortable. Layers upon layers with plaids everywhere....Scotsmen, eat your heart out! 

5. Funky awesome jewelry! 
Specifically, I dig the choker necklace... need something to go with your outfit? Just grab a ribbon! Works every time... 

BONUS: Dresses with jeans. I'm a denim kind of girl. I like jeans. I DON'T like my thighs rubbing together trying to start a fire... (I'm not saying I don't like fire down there, but you know....not like that.) The one exception to the fire rule is CORDUROY!
 hopefully that will make its debut before next winter. I'll be rocking those...Listen for me...(swoosh,swoosh, swoosh). I digress. The bohemian theme will be back in ALL it's mismatched glory! P. S. I'm making this...immediately.
Hit the thrift stores now... I might even wear dresses again.

For all you thirty somethings...You feelin' me?! I'm breathing deep. now let's bring back the music....Peace!

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