Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's Not Delivery; It's Di Struggle...or ... 10 Things Worth More than Money

Money, they say, is the root of all evil. Still, without roots, it's hard to get nutrients to the plant. I always see people who live in nice houses with nice cars, and they are always eating out and buying new clothes. Who are you people?! Do you deal drugs on the side?! How do you do it? I know personally, we don't eat out much and....when our kids ask about a college fund... I will laugh and laugh... (I put it in their brains...The fund is a wealth of can spend it on things called scholarships.) Even with that, we have ended up with credit card debt. I blame Popeye cartoons for the credit pandemic in the USA. It was that damn little man who first gave us the idea,"I will gladly pay tomorrow for a hamburger today!"
It is a good thing, then, that there are far more important things in this life than the green stuff that it is true that sometimes you just need six hunnit and fiddy dollars...(this actually makes my brain hurt because I can't write a check for $650 dollars because I never HAVE $650 dollars...and I can spell...)

As much for myself as for you, from time to time I need a reminder that I am wealthy where it really matters. To that end, I have made ANOTHER LIST counting down the most important things in life that we often take for granted. (This list is for those that have acheived Maslow's hierarchy of needs, BTW; those without food, clothing, and shelter really do need help...have compassion.)

10. Books. 

Though they are seriously overlooked since the invention of the kindle, you have practically limitless access to books, thanks to your local library. Books are free entertainment. They are adventures on a budget. They are keys to other realms. Books give us knowledge and the ability to learn... (...and the older they get, the better they smell!...the opposite of humans.)

9. Music.

There was a time..less than a hundred years ago..when music had to be live for the majority of people. Slowly, they began to acquire phonographs, then radios, then television,vinyl,  8-tracks, cassettes, cds, mp3s...Oh, how the tides turn! Now the most expensive outlet for listening to music is live. But we have free radio...with options! We have instruments that are easy to come by. We have the right to sing and dance and breathe music. That something is worth a lot. 

8. Art.

I love to make art. Thanks to the advent of youtube...(or ..dare I say..books!)...we can easily learn to create things on our own. In the Middle Ages, people would frequent church to look at the stained glass. It was a splash of color in an otherwise mostly gray and brown society! In this age, some of the best artists don't frequent galleries. Art is all around us. From clothing design to krylon on the overpass, soak it in. It's beautiful.

7. Nature

The best artist to ever live was God. The ability to stand outside, free from fear of attack, is something some places in the world simply don't have. We are so fortunate as to have frequent areas made even more beautiful just to enjoy! Go hug a tree...tell him,"Thanks for's kind of everything to me." 

6. Food. 

Even today, most societies around the world eat a fairly steady diet of ...the same thing over and over. In America, we have SO. MANY. Options! "What do you want to eat?" is a question we grow tired of asking or answering. WHY? We have so many options! Greek, Italian, Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Cajun, German, pizza, sandwiches, tapas, down home cooking....We are the spoiled brats of the culinary world...Remember it.

5. Health.

If you can walk, breathe, eat, talk, see, then you should be grateful. Life is precious and fleeting. If you woke up today, that was a gift. Spend it wisely.

4. Sex.

By far my favorite way to celebrate #5 is sex. At least within the bounds of a healthy, monogamous relationship, sex rocks! As a matter of fact, I'd be happy to give sex a standing O! right now...

3. Family. 

They're creepy and they're cooky, mysterious and spooky. They're all together ooky, but they're yours. (you're welcome for the earworm) Family will often stick their neck out for you when no one else will. They have seen you at your worst. Whether they are blood or bond, family always seems to be there. Yes, they let us down, but often they eventually pick us back up, too.

2. Friends.

It's finally on Netflix! lol. Friends in real life are easy to come by and hard to keep. In my experience, only a select few will make your entire life journey with you. Still, they fill a void and keep life interesting. They bring laughter and tears and fun and adventure. Are there messy bits? To be IS the messy bits.

1. Faith.

Whether you believe in an all powerful Diety, or the power of your own two feet, you need to believe in something. Faith is the hope of things unseen. Without hope, we have no motivation. With that, I know you have it...we all do... you might not have identified it yet, but it is there. Find your faith. Make friends with it. It is the one thing that will push you when no one is looking. It's who we really are...deep down...behind the skeletons in our closet; our driving force. Appreciate it.

Until next time, check out my page.... The Art of Things.... on facebook! Peace.

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