Saturday, January 24, 2015
The Sounding Off of an Unsound Mind: It's Not Delivery; It's Di Struggle...or ... 10 Th...
The Sounding Off of an Unsound Mind: It's Not Delivery; It's Di Struggle...or ... 10 Th...: Money, they say, is the root of all evil. Still, without roots, it's hard to get nutrients to the plant. I always see people who live ...
It's Not Delivery; It's Di Struggle...or ... 10 Things Worth More than Money
Money, they say, is the root of all evil. Still, without roots, it's hard to get nutrients to the plant. I always see people who live in nice houses with nice cars, and they are always eating out and buying new clothes. Who are you people?! Do you deal drugs on the side?! How do you do it? I know personally, we don't eat out much and....when our kids ask about a college fund... I will laugh and laugh... (I put it in their brains...The fund is a wealth of can spend it on things called scholarships.) Even with that, we have ended up with credit card debt. I blame Popeye cartoons for the credit pandemic in the USA. It was that damn little man who first gave us the idea,"I will gladly pay tomorrow for a hamburger today!"
It is a good thing, then, that there are far more important things in this life than the green stuff that it is true that sometimes you just need six hunnit and fiddy dollars...(this actually makes my brain hurt because I can't write a check for $650 dollars because I never HAVE $650 dollars...and I can spell...)
5. Health.
If you can walk, breathe, eat, talk, see, then you should be grateful. Life is precious and fleeting. If you woke up today, that was a gift. Spend it wisely.
4. Sex.
By far my favorite way to celebrate #5 is sex. At least within the bounds of a healthy, monogamous relationship, sex rocks! As a matter of fact, I'd be happy to give sex a standing O! right now...
3. Family.
They're creepy and they're cooky, mysterious and spooky. They're all together ooky, but they're yours. (you're welcome for the earworm) Family will often stick their neck out for you when no one else will. They have seen you at your worst. Whether they are blood or bond, family always seems to be there. Yes, they let us down, but often they eventually pick us back up, too.
2. Friends.
It's finally on Netflix! lol. Friends in real life are easy to come by and hard to keep. In my experience, only a select few will make your entire life journey with you. Still, they fill a void and keep life interesting. They bring laughter and tears and fun and adventure. Are there messy bits? To be IS the messy bits.
1. Faith.
Whether you believe in an all powerful Diety, or the power of your own two feet, you need to believe in something. Faith is the hope of things unseen. Without hope, we have no motivation. With that, I know you have it...we all do... you might not have identified it yet, but it is there. Find your faith. Make friends with it. It is the one thing that will push you when no one is looking. It's who we really are...deep down...behind the skeletons in our closet; our driving force. Appreciate it.
Until next time, check out my page.... The Art of Things.... on facebook! Peace.
It is a good thing, then, that there are far more important things in this life than the green stuff that it is true that sometimes you just need six hunnit and fiddy dollars...(this actually makes my brain hurt because I can't write a check for $650 dollars because I never HAVE $650 dollars...and I can spell...)
As much for myself as for you, from time to time I need a reminder that I am wealthy where it really matters. To that end, I have made ANOTHER LIST counting down the most important things in life that we often take for granted. (This list is for those that have acheived Maslow's hierarchy of needs, BTW; those without food, clothing, and shelter really do need help...have compassion.)
10. Books.
Though they are seriously overlooked since the invention of the kindle, you have practically limitless access to books, thanks to your local library. Books are free entertainment. They are adventures on a budget. They are keys to other realms. Books give us knowledge and the ability to learn... (...and the older they get, the better they smell!...the opposite of humans.)
9. Music.
There was a time..less than a hundred years ago..when music had to be live for the majority of people. Slowly, they began to acquire phonographs, then radios, then television,vinyl, 8-tracks, cassettes, cds, mp3s...Oh, how the tides turn! Now the most expensive outlet for listening to music is live. But we have free radio...with options! We have instruments that are easy to come by. We have the right to sing and dance and breathe music. That something is worth a lot.
8. Art.
I love to make art. Thanks to the advent of youtube...(or ..dare I say..books!)...we can easily learn to create things on our own. In the Middle Ages, people would frequent church to look at the stained glass. It was a splash of color in an otherwise mostly gray and brown society! In this age, some of the best artists don't frequent galleries. Art is all around us. From clothing design to krylon on the overpass, soak it in. It's beautiful.
7. Nature.
The best artist to ever live was God. The ability to stand outside, free from fear of attack, is something some places in the world simply don't have. We are so fortunate as to have frequent areas made even more beautiful just to enjoy! Go hug a tree...tell him,"Thanks for's kind of everything to me."
6. Food.
Even today, most societies around the world eat a fairly steady diet of ...the same thing over and over. In America, we have SO. MANY. Options! "What do you want to eat?" is a question we grow tired of asking or answering. WHY? We have so many options! Greek, Italian, Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Cajun, German, pizza, sandwiches, tapas, down home cooking....We are the spoiled brats of the culinary world...Remember it.
If you can walk, breathe, eat, talk, see, then you should be grateful. Life is precious and fleeting. If you woke up today, that was a gift. Spend it wisely.
4. Sex.
By far my favorite way to celebrate #5 is sex. At least within the bounds of a healthy, monogamous relationship, sex rocks! As a matter of fact, I'd be happy to give sex a standing O! right now...
3. Family.
They're creepy and they're cooky, mysterious and spooky. They're all together ooky, but they're yours. (you're welcome for the earworm) Family will often stick their neck out for you when no one else will. They have seen you at your worst. Whether they are blood or bond, family always seems to be there. Yes, they let us down, but often they eventually pick us back up, too.
2. Friends.
It's finally on Netflix! lol. Friends in real life are easy to come by and hard to keep. In my experience, only a select few will make your entire life journey with you. Still, they fill a void and keep life interesting. They bring laughter and tears and fun and adventure. Are there messy bits? To be IS the messy bits.
1. Faith.
Whether you believe in an all powerful Diety, or the power of your own two feet, you need to believe in something. Faith is the hope of things unseen. Without hope, we have no motivation. With that, I know you have it...we all do... you might not have identified it yet, but it is there. Find your faith. Make friends with it. It is the one thing that will push you when no one is looking. It's who we really are...deep down...behind the skeletons in our closet; our driving force. Appreciate it.
Until next time, check out my page.... The Art of Things.... on facebook! Peace.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Sometimes you just want to run away....
In an adaptation of a famous quote by the infamous Mel Brooks, lately, it seems, "I'm surrounded by askholes." For those that are unfamiliar with this term:
It is frustrating to say the least, leaving you stressed and in desperate need of a vacation. With that in mind, I began to ponder all of the wonderful places I have visited...wishing to go back. As a child, I was fortunate enough to travel every year with my family. I didn't understand as a child how special that was, assuming that every kid had this opportunity. Now, as an adult, I have met people who have never left their hometown. How small their world must be?! We were not a wealthy any stretch...but we would pile into a car and motel 6 our way across the country. My parents believed that memories were the only things you can keep forever. I still live by that mantra today. In case anyone out there is looking to run away, as well, I have made another list. This time, it is of places that put life into perspective... and you can get there with a car.
1. Orlando, Florida
Let me just get this out of the way first, The most expensive trip on this list, by far, is Orlando. Better than its California cousin, We saved 1/10th of our income for a year and spent a week with our children at Disney World and Universal Studios. There really is no substitute for going. The kid in me swells at the memories of riding space mountain and walking into Diagon Alley from Harry Potter. No vacation will ever compare for your kids. After returning home, my children rewatched the first Harry Potter film, and proceeded to cry.... Don't did I. It is worth your entire tax return one year, I promise.
2. Washington, D.C
Our nation's capitol has much more to offer than just seeing the memorials...(Though those are awesome!)...It is home to the Smithsonian; the greatest collection of museums in this country...all lined up in a neat little row...all completely free. Granted, you pay for an IMAX movie or food, and they have plenty of gift shops, but still, it is well worth the trip. Your biggest expense will be parking and toll booths. Thanks a heap, coastal places...bring a roll of quarters.
3. Pike's Peak, Colorado
Even if you do not ski, Colorado is the state I'd most like to live in. It is truly so beautiful. I recommend venturing to Pike's Peak, the tallest peak in the USA. Don't feel bad if you get a bit dizzy. The air is so thin that the gift shop keeps oxygen at the ready. I once saw it snow in July! The pictues won't do it justice, and the biggest expenses are the entrance fee (somewhere around 30 dollars a vehicle) and possibly having to stop and let your brakes cool, which means you'll likely purchase a great bowl of stew to pass the time.
4. Durango, Colorado
While you are in Colorado, you should definitely ride the old fashioned train that runs from Durango to Silverton. It is an old west town still in full swing! You can pony up to the saloon and have a cold one, but dress warm, the elevation changes during the train ride as you ascend the mountain. I bought a sweatshirt in Durango...and saw it July...Different trip!
5. Pensacola, Florida
Admittedly, I lived there for a while, so I'm partial, but there are no beaches whiter and softer than those on the emerald coast of Florida. You can surf if you know which beaches to hit (Navarre...ahem), or you can kick back and relax on Perdido Key. Also out Perdido Key is the Naval Air Station; It is a large naval base that is home to the blue angels and a huge free air history museum! You can climb into the cockpit of many airplanes and possible take a simulated flying lesson! At least two hours of fun. Check the schedules because it is possible to watch an airshow, too. If you are looking for a party, head over to Pensacola Beach. The boardwalk is teeming with nightclubs and restaurants...and don't forget to have a bushwhacker! (That's a milkshake with loads of alcohol...there is an annual festival) If you do make it to Pensacola, you must go to McGuire's Irish Pub. It's a restaurant and microbrewery with live nightly shows and an amazing atmosphere. Get there between 7 and 8pm, and plan to be there until at least midnight! Let the debauchery commence!
6. Redwood country, California
This was an incredibly humbling experience for me. I was an adult the first time I made it to the west coast. To be surrounded by trees that I could not possibly climb, could not see their tops, and could not wrap my arms around their trunks.... was breathtaking. There is a place where giant statues of Paul Bunyun and Babe the ox are carved from those trees...and I struggled to climb up on his boot. There are trees you can drive through, and you have to respect them; they are so much older than you. It is also Bigfoot country...That thought alone kept me entertained for hours.
7. The Grand Canyon
This is, admittedly, one I haven't scratched of my bucket list yet. Still, I can imagine how small you must feel standing at the edge of something so colorfully painted and vast that it must have been carved by God's finger... This will happen for me sooner rather than later.
8. New York, New York
I have been there twice, and I haven't scratched the surface of what is available to do. It's expensive, but if you are careful, 600 dollars will get you 3 nights, 3 shows, and 3 meals a day...if you eat street vendors and Little Italy and use the subway(not taxis). The city that never sleeps is a remarkable place to visit, though with children I wouldn't want to live there. ( In the two times I have been, I have only seen toddlers and short adults...I'm from the south... we let our kids age in "real time") Still, everyone should see it. Like every big city, buy your souveniers in some cash.
9. Mall of America
This is the only other one to remain on my bucket list. Apparently there is a mall in Minnesota that is so big, there is a rollercoaster inside. I want to see this in my lifetime. I wonder if there is a campground so I don't have to do all my shopping in one day...
10. The Thing....BFE, Arizona or New Mexico (I can't remember)
If you want to feel a part of the rest of the world, you should definitely go see the thing. Somewhere between Oklahoma and California, you will begin passing billboard after billboard for "THE THING!" Come see the thing! Only 20 miles to...THE THING! It turns out that the "thing" is an indian mummy in the middle of nowhere, but I had to stop. It's a good place to stretch your legs and laugh at one of the few true tourist traps left in this country. Will you feel duped? yes, but ...just...let it happen.
There really are so many other cool places to go here in the U.S. These are just some of my favorites. If you want something easy and middle America, St. Louis is a good choice. There is a drive through safari in East Texas. The Memphis Zoo is one of the best. If you want to go to another planet, I hear Los Angeles is nice this time of year. Where was your favorite vacation spot? Let me know in the comments. Peace.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Leggo My Ego!
Control....I am an ENFP. I HATE control. I firmly adopt the mantra of being self aware and exhibiting self control. I don't like to control others, and I despise others attempting to control me. While the term narcissist is thrown around all too frequently, the term is real. defines narcissism as noun
inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
Psychoanalysis. erotic gratification derived from admiration of one'sown physical ormental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality
It describes someone who suffers from a personality problem known as narcissistic personality disorder... Are you a NARCISSIST? Are you in a relationship with a NARCISSIST? The following will describe possible attributes and signs of narcissistic behavior....Judge for yourselves.
1. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it started off fast and "too good to be true."
A narcissist begins by figuring out exactly want you want, and chameleoning into least...until you have fully bought into the relationship. He will say "I Love You" too fast, propose after only dating for a very short time, and sweep you off your feet....when really he was pulling the rug out from under you... The man who is everything all at once could exist, but it is better to wait it out for a while...If he's truly worth it, he'll wait.

2. He or she is Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. (or Mrs.) Hyde.
To the majority of the world, a narcissist will be wonderful....They are so sweet and polite and cool. People say "what a cute family!" "You are so lucky!" "He (or she) is such a nice guy"... However, behind the closed door, they are controlling, they yell...then apologize....then yell...maybe hit...control, control, control. You might think multiple personality disorder, but it's more likely narcissism.

3. He (or she) is your hair stylist AND your fashion expert. If the person is actually a stylist, ignore this one...I'm talking about control. You can't wear earrings, you can't dress how you want... Every aspect of your life is their concern... The narcissist's EGO is the MOST important, most fragile part of their persona. They will do anything and everything to present perfection to the world. In order to do that, they must control the other people in their life...down to the last detail. Any failure to adhere to the strict guidelines set forth will be met with negativity on a scale from insults to name calling to guilt to physical abuse.
4. The isolation of smug...(lol). I'm sorry; this is no laughing matter. The narcissist an attempt to further control...will often try to isolate the victim both mentally and physically. They like it best when the only opinion is theirs, and will go to great refusing to allow outside friends or opportunities for friends, such as work, school, a vehicle, or internet access... to make sure the only "friends" you have are the people the narcissist has preapproved.
5. I can't hear you! Once again, the only opinion a narcissist wants to hear is his own. This leaves the victim without permission to speak their mind. Anytime they attempt to do so, will result in belittlement, being ignored, or narcissistic rage.

6. The end justifies the means. A narcissist believes that they can justify their behavior...whatever that behavior is. Whether it is hitting their wife, putting their significant other down "for their own good," or lying. Narcissists lie. It doesn't matter whether there is real justification, a person with NPD can justify almost anything. that is why many narcissists cling to religion. Scripture is interpretive, and it gives them lots of leeway to manipulate with.
If you think you might be in a relationship with a narcissistic person, unless you are severely codependant, it may not be what is best for you.

If you attempt to leave them, watch for these things to happen:
They may threaten you.
They may try to make you feel guilty.
They may threaten suicide.
They may become violent OR attempt to beg.
They may attempt suicide.
They may fake a serious illness.
They may try and smear your reputation.
They may attempt to win everyone to their side.

They flow through the cycle over and over, usually with no real, longterm improvement.

Be aware. Be careful. These people exist. Peace.
Friday, January 9, 2015
The Sounding Off of an Unsound Mind: Sometimes you just have to stand-up....
The Sounding Off of an Unsound Mind: Sometimes you just have to stand-up....: I'm a comedian, or least...I try to be. I do improv comedy, which many would say is more difficult (everything is made up on the s...
Sometimes you just have to stand-up....
I'm a comedian, or least...I try to be. I do improv comedy, which many would say is more difficult (everything is made up on the spot), but, with improv, you still have the excuse of it being "off the cuff" if it doesn't go well. With stand up, however, you have plotted and planned what you will say.... and if it flops and you land on your face....(proverbially or literally) ...Perhaps it simply means you aren't funny.
I do a lot of standing up in other ways. I am currently fighting for the legalization of marijuana in Arkansas. I am an advocate for organic and sustainable farming, and I believe that parents have a right to choose whether their children recieve vaccines. Even so, nothing makes me feel more exposed than either singing or stand up comedy: Raw and vulnerable. Picturing the audience in their underwear would do me no good, either....because I'm very self conscious, and I'd likely just feel overdressed.
I truly admire a dear freind of mine who is a professional stand up comedian. He makes it look so easy. However, If you are someone who, like me, tends to curl up in the fetal position when exposed to possible criticism, (because you ultimately care too much about what other people think)...then here is a list of memes from famous people who knew their stuff....Let them impart their culture and wisdom on you today...and any time to help you suck-it-up, buttercup....because life is too short to hide from your dreams.
1. Albert Einstein
In addition to being one of the smartest men alive, Einstein was a dreamer and a visionary. Best of all, he believed in you.
I do a lot of standing up in other ways. I am currently fighting for the legalization of marijuana in Arkansas. I am an advocate for organic and sustainable farming, and I believe that parents have a right to choose whether their children recieve vaccines. Even so, nothing makes me feel more exposed than either singing or stand up comedy: Raw and vulnerable. Picturing the audience in their underwear would do me no good, either....because I'm very self conscious, and I'd likely just feel overdressed.
I truly admire a dear freind of mine who is a professional stand up comedian. He makes it look so easy. However, If you are someone who, like me, tends to curl up in the fetal position when exposed to possible criticism, (because you ultimately care too much about what other people think)...then here is a list of memes from famous people who knew their stuff....Let them impart their culture and wisdom on you today...and any time to help you suck-it-up, buttercup....because life is too short to hide from your dreams.
1. Albert Einstein
In addition to being one of the smartest men alive, Einstein was a dreamer and a visionary. Best of all, he believed in you.
Besides fronting the decade spanning band U2, Bono uses his powers for good, and spends his free time and money saving the planet and visiting troops overseas. He wants you to follow your convictions, as well.
3.Eleanor Roosevelt
As far as amazing ladies go, Eleanor Rossevelt stands out as the first First-lady to take the reigns and make a difference. She shared her simple but effective plan for helping you to do the same.
4. Marilyn Monroe
Everyone (for the most part) has either wanted her or wanted to be her. Marilyn lived her life in hyper speed moving forward, and here she lets you in on the secret to leaving your behind in your past...or vice versa.
5.Mark Twain
Mark Twain was the true beginning of wit and witticism...(and a personal favorite of mine). He saw the mighty Mississipi River as a metaphor for true freedom. Let him remind you to that regrets are harder to live with than mistakes.
6.Bill Cosby
Even if you beieve the rumors about the man, he was still the childhood hope of dad serving chocolate cake for breakfast... Cosby lays down some great advice for you.
7.Oscar Wilde
This famous author reminds us that to be extraordinary, we must simply push the envelope.
8. Roald Dahl
This british novelist knew that life wasn't all just a "giant peach", and strived to live with passion. His inspiring words tell his story, but at the same time, urge us to make it ours.
9. Robert Frost
The poet Frost is a constant resolve to explore the unknown.....I can also imagine him saying, "I'm never lost....I'm simply somewhere new to me." I want to live that way.
10.Winston Churchill
One of the greatest people of the 20th century, Churchill believed in taking life by the square pegs and forcing them into the round holes. Oh that we should glean a fraction of his drive. We'd be unstoppable.
I hope these have inspired you to want to start this new year off with conviction and passion and fire and courage. Finally, I'd like to leave you with one more highly quoatable celebrity. I recently attended Walt Disney World for the first time as an adult....I am in awe of the drive and purpose of Walt Disney. He was an amzing man. Could it have been his outlook on life that took him as far as he went?! Maybe. I will live my life trying to test the theory....peace.
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