Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Day in the Life of a Homeschool Mom

This is a journal entry of a typical day in the life of a homeschool mom...if we had time to keep a journal...which we don't... so this isn't an actual entry...but very typical.... enjoy!

7:00 am: Good morning, me! Coffee is brewing... The cat has food and water...husband is in the shower getting ready for work... I'm not sure what time I stumbled into bed... I fell asleep on the sofa again..Woke up sometime before dawn. I crawled into bed... then crawled back out because I forgot to pee... fell asleep onthe toilet... Woke up and went back to bed...but I'm good now. It will be a great soon as the coffee is ready...

7:30 am: Just sat down with my coffee because I made sure my husband had a good send off and remembered his lunch... The coffee is delicious. The day is falling into place.  I love my life...

7:35 am: I wonder what is happening in the outside world... I'll check Facebook! 

7:36 am: Did I just hear the toilet flush?! Are they awake already? I've barely had time for coffee...Good morning, children.

7:38 am: I had to forego coffee and facebook to fix eggs...I wanted them to eat cereal, but they didn't tell me they finished the milk... I guess we'll have to run to the grocery store this afternoon... 

8:00 am: The kids finished breakfast, but didn't put their dishes away. They sneaked out of the room to avoid starting school again. I had to call them back. 

8:05 am: After another round of "but that's not my plate", we have finally begun school. They seem enthusiastic. 

8:15 am: They seem less enthusiastic... Maybe I should unschool and let them be in control of what they learn... 

8:20 am: I forgot about my coffee... it's cold... Dang it...

8:30 am: My oldest is crying about math being hard. The other won't leave the cat alone. I could NEVER unschool... Someone would die...

8:45 am: My son finally figured out fractions... He feels very accomplished. I must be doing something right. 

9:00 am: My daughter hasn't completed one single sentence in writing.... It's copywork...This doesn't even require neurons... I'm thinking of quitting. 

9:30 am: I feel somewhat cheapened as a person. I ended up bribing my daughter with a treat from the store if she would complete her copywork without complaint.... I'm the homework pimp.... Why do I put my self through this?!

10:00 am: Just saw a school bomb threat on the news... THAT is why I put myself through this...

10:15 am: The kids are hungry again...Why am I tired? Oh, right...the coffee... 

10:30 am: Got the kids some apple slices and peanut butter. While I was fixing it, they got away again... at least they finished the core subjects...I guess they can have a break...

11:00 am: The kids had some down time...I got to have coffee! We will come back with renewed vigor and conquer our school work!

11:15 am: I don't know where your gluestick is! It isn't my responsibility to keep up with your supplies... How can you remember 100 different pokemon and all their evolutions, but you can't remember what century the Civil War was in?! 

12 noon: I can't believe my children can explain the electoral college better than my high school civics teacher... I love homeschooling!

12:30 pm: After lunch, we will go get milk from the store...and maybe a treat for finishing school.... 

1:00 pm: No, You can't have candy.... 

1:30 pm: I can't believe I bought them candy... They can't remember multiplication tables, but they never forget a bribe....

2:00 pm: If these children don't stop bouncing off the walls.... I just want out of the store... I forgot to thaw something for I bought chicken...Why did I come here? oh... Milk...

2:30 pm: Got the groceries home and put away... They are driving me nuts... I know, I'll take them to the park...

3:00 pm: I don't understand why they lock park bathrooms when it isn't summer... Where's the nearest gas station?

3:15 pm: You couldn't have told me you were thirsty when we were at the gas station?!

4:30 pm: Finally home... The kids tried to get on the computer, but they know the 5pm rule... so they are adventuring into an art project while I cook dinner...

4:45 pm: We do not use glitter on the cat! Why would you do that?! Daddy will be home soon...Everyone help me pick up, please... and get the duct tape off the carpet. 

5:00 pm: Do you smell something burning?!

5:10 pm: It was dinner... It's okay now... FYI: A watched pot never boils, but a pot left alone burns...

5:30 pm: Dinner is done moments before my husband walks in the door... The kids have settled in front of the computer and are building a minecraft version of Carcassonne. He tells me hi, but his eyes point to the possibility that I might need a shower....Oh, no! When was the last time I showered?!

7:00 pm: We are all snuggled up on the sofa watching the Avengers. This is what it's all about. Wait.... Was Girl Scouts tonight?!... okay, no... We're good...

10:00 pm: The kids finally fell asleep...My husband just headed for bed... I'm finally able to do my own thing....

3:00 am: (on the sofa, freezing my ladyparts off) Where am i?

1 comment:

  1. hahaaa!great blog! keep it up. We need to share this stuff more often.
