Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby...Understanding Gender

So much fighting! So much Agenda! So much nonsense going around the internet and social media and most don't even realize what they are arguing! 

We aren't talking about getting dirty in the sack, are talking about gender, people's junk, and the sliding social movements that are happening all around us. Specifically today, we are discussing transgenderism.

After seriously looking into this whole gender thing, I have found some astonishing gaps in logic. The two sides of the debate aren't even using the same definitions of terms to discuss the issue logically! This is what we've come to as a society... Not even those who are considered the best at debate today can discuss things logically and rationally. They are taught to deflect what they cannot argue, and, when all else fails, insult, degrade, and undermine the confidence of their opponent. Let;s begin by defining some terms:

Gender: According to Merrium Webster: noun; the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. When a conservative uses the term gender, they traditionally mean biological sex, whereas a liberal typically uses the term gender as "feelings associated with being a certain sex." 

Biological sex: the state of being male or female.... containing the biologic processes associated with males or females of a species. 

So, now we can see that there is a discrepancy that causes confusion.

 Conservatives believe that for the majority of the population, everyone is born either biologically male or female. No one is arguing that the 1 in 1500-2000 children born each year with intersex biology have a right to claim transgenderism. Liberals say that this number could be as high as 1.7% of the population because you must factor in more subtle biological features (like femininity) and those that mentally feel that their role in society would be better suited to the other gender. 

The left often state a study done by scientists on the brains of rats where they introduced an enzyme into the brains of rats of one gender (in the study's case females) and they began behaving more like males. (side note: The scientists chose females because all human fetuses originally appear female....I however argue that the male/female DNA was already present, though not manifested physically yet.) Following this, they scanned the brains of both mentally transgender people and those who are heterosexual. They found that the brains of those people who were transgender behaved more like the sex the identified with.

 This gives us a chicken vs. egg scenario here. 

Conservatives could argue that just like we can work ourselves into a petrified state of terror and cause our brains to flood with adrenalin, or we can meditate and create endorphin which flood the brain, it is entirely possible that the  (mentally...once again, we are not discussing physical conditions here...only 100% males who identify as female or vice versa) transgender...due to experiences and a proclivity to being masculine or feminine... developed their brain to process like the other sex. 

Liberals would argue they are born that way.

 It is impossible to know for certain. 

I will say that there is a definitive spectrum of masculine to feminine, but I believe that we should be helping all people to be content and accepting of all people as they are... not encouraging them to fight their genetics because maybe they will be more accepted by society and can feel more comfortable with themselves.

The fact is, going through surgeries to alter one's biological design rarely makes anyone feel better about themselves. In fact, I found this:

A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. 

These statistics are just some of the sobering findings from a survey of more than 7,000 transgender people conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, released in October 2010.

Plus, the new trend is to push children toward gender fluidity, causing many children to hop on the  transgender bandwagon. It is SUPER dangerous...(borrowed from

One controversial treatment for children with gender dysphoria is the administration of drugs called hormone blockers to delay puberty. The practice is gaining traction without any scientific proof that it is appropriate or effective, and despite the evidence that it can be harmful:

Most children with gender dysphoria will not remain gender dysphoric after puberty. [1]
The FDA has not approved hormone blockers for use in transgender children—not even for experimental use.

A search for one hormone blocker, Lupron, shows that people are reporting serious long-term, debilitating side effects from having used the drug.

1] J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2008 Dec;47(12):1413-23. doi: 10.1097/CHI.0b013e31818956b9., "Psychosexual outcome of gender-dysphoric children", Wallien MS, Cohen-Kettenis PT., Department of Medical Psychology, Graduate School of Neurosciences, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The entire discussion about transgenderism has gotten out of hand. 

In an effort to be inclusive, we have begun to impede on the rights of the other 99% of the world population! 

Forget bathrooms. The latest kafuffle is about the Alaska transgender female (biologically male) who recently won the state track championship. Is it fair to place a biological male to compete aside females?!

 Well, I hope you enjoyed having female Olympians because they may soon be a thing of the past...

 The Olympic committee has recently altered their rules concerning transgenders in the Olympics. Now, any man claiming to be transgender can compete for the coveted Gold medal against females without having any surgery! The ladies may still have a shot in things like archery, but weightlifting, running, swimming... a male will almost always out power a female in these sports because the male and female forms are biologically different. We build muscle differently, hold fat differently, and grow differently making being a male  the best advantage someone could have in women's sports...even over steroids. 

I hope this clears up some things about the transgender discussion. The key to understanding is looking at both sides and hearing what they have to say...then making sound judgments. Hear me when I say that I love everybody, and I would never disrespect another person on purpose. This is about science. If you are a woman who hates makeup and wants to rock a traditional dude look, congrats...So did one of my best friends in high school. If you are a guy that feels better in Revlon and Ruffles, you go, boy! You probably look better in a dress than me!

 I am simply saying that maybe we should take a step back. Forcing people to accept men in women's bathrooms and causing unfair odds in sporting events only causes more chaos. 

Why not suggest that stores make available a private stall or fitting room or locker area to accommodate those that feel uncomfortable? Why not try and help teach people to love each other on a personal level and work outward.

Transgender people are killing themselves at more than 4 times the rate of the average American! Making the rest of the population resent them will not make them feel better...We are backward. 

 We conservatives need to learn to love people where they are for who they are (It doesn't mean we have to agree with their lifestyle), and maybe liberals need to slow down their agenda train because it's going off the rails (Ozzy Osbourne)...if you know what I mean...

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