You know those people whose self-esteem is like a battleship?
They can be slammed repeatedly and the hull just brushes that shit off. I don’t
relate. My self-esteem is like a submarine. It occasionally surfaces and peers
above the surface, but inevitably, it will dive back down where it really
From an outside perspective, I suppose I’m talented, funny, outgoing,
and not completely unattractive (I have moderately decent mugshot despite being
fat), but it doesn’t seem to help when it’s time to crest the water of
confidence. Perhaps it is because I hold myself to such a high standard. I
recognize greatness in others and would like to see that in myself. Maybe it was
the series of bad experiences in my life that give me a somewhat jilted sense
of self-worth. Regardless of how it came about, the fact remains that I simply
don’t see myself as the amazing specimen I long to be. Instead, I’ve decided to
bare my insecurity loud and proud and tell you why I think it’s okay to see
yourself a little less than perfect.

If you can see improvement, you strive for it.

I think that the people who see themselves as
perfect aren’t. The reason is because no one is, and everyone needs to be able
to improve upon themselves.
Humbleness is a virtue.

Being insecure keeps you
from thinking you are too good for something or thinking you are better than
others. Kindness often comes from believing that everyone’s life has equal
value. Though, admittedly, sometimes I wish I was a little less humble. It
would make it easier to find clothes to comfortably wear.

You get less caught up in material ideas.
"My significant
other gained some weight; I’m better than them now." People with an
over-inflated sense of ego tend to think of love as something that revolves
around physical attraction and sex.

I always tell people to ask yourself two questions
before entering a serious relationship with another person. First, are they my
best friend? If they get on your nerves now…just add time and close proximity! Second,
ask yourself if sex was off the table (either from illness or accident) would
that be a deal breaker? If it is, you are in the wrong relationship. Having a
lower self-esteem keeps you empathetic.
Finally, having an ego that doesn’t fly can allow
you an opportunity.

Most people aren’t as confident as they seem. (Most people
are shocked to find out how low mine is…well….most have no idea) seeing
yourself lower than others elevates others in your mind. To turn the curse into
a cushion, you simply grow some ‘nads and tell people what you see. “You have a
great smile!” “You are so very talented!” “I love that coat on you!” What you
lack in confidence will come to you in friendship and smiles.
So, remember: It may not be easy
to live without confidence, but the fake-it-til-you-make-it philosophy applies
well here.

Good luck today, and …for what it’s worth….I think you’re awesome!