Today is Star Wars Day!!! People everywhere will quote, debate, discuss, and otherwise glorify or parody one of the greatest films ever made. (I'm a Solo fan myself.) I love everything nerd, so expect me to celebrate and reciprocate all the good cheer that will be flooding your Facebook feed today.
But ...This year our impromptu Geek-a-thon coincides with another holiday.
Today is also the National Day of Prayer...

For thousands of Christians, today we pray for the tense and unnerving state of affairs in this country. Let's pray for the families torn apart by political differences, the senseless violence in our streets and on our campuses, and the racial divide that has reopened like a wound having ripped its stitches. We should pray for our President because, like him or not, he is our captain at the helm. Pray for God to guide him in the right direction. Pray that God's will be done. Let's pray for our children. Freedom isnt free, and our children may be forced to buy it back and for the millions who will never get that chance. We should pray for our military, who are already willing to pay that price. Most importantly, pray for each other. The family. The friendships. The individuals. Within hearts is the place where opinions change, where minds are opened, and where happiness lives. It is the ultimate grass roots campaign. Only when love is the motivator, will we see positive results in the lives of those around us.

We all love Star Wars... but in this universe, we NEED prayer. I hope you take a little time to use the Jedi power in THIS world and pray... Oh! ....and May the 4th be with you!